Ribamontán al Mar is a municipality located east of the Bay of Santander. Its special geographical characteristics, with one of the largest sandy areas of Cantabria, have turned this municipality into an important tourist pole, especially suitable for surfing. Therefore, Ribamontán al Mar was declared the first natural reserve of surfing in Spain and second in Europe, in recognition of the environmental, sporting and socioeconomic nature of its beaches and breakers. Specifically, Ribamontán al Mar has the beaches of Somo, Loredo, Los Tranquilos, Galizano and Langre as well as some rocky slopes such as the Island of Santa Marina. The City Council of Ribamontan al Mar has extensive experience in European projects. In recent years, it has participated, together with the Government of Cantabria, in different LIFE projects (Green Ring of Santander Bay, Conservation of Biodiversity in the Miera River) for the improvement and conservation of the natural environment, the elimination of invasive plants and the conservation of the dunes. It has also been a partner in a COSME (Surfing Europe) project aimed at defining and promoting a sustainable transnational surf tourism product. It is also attached to the “Manifesto for the protection of the waves”, a public declaration supported by various national and European bodies on the value and need for conservation of the surf breaks as a natural heritage and a sports, socioeconomic and cultural resource.  It maintains a high level of activity in other sports, as well as recreational and cultural areas. To achieve the above, there is a close collaboration between the local corporation, the civil associations and the sport federations, as well as the private sector.

The City Council, for its surfing activities, has the support of the Cantabrian Surfing Federation, an entity with which it has a collaboration agreement.The Cantabrian Surfing Federation is a non for profit association whose purpose is the promotion, development and organization of Surfing. This Federation is part of a national Surf Network (the Spanish Surfing Federation – FES).

Together with the Cantabrian Surfing Federation (FCS), the City Council ensures the dissemination, promotion and development of all the modalities integrated in the sport of surfing (skimboard, bodysurf, bodyboard, kneeboard, surf, longboard and stand up paddle). It develops an inclusive surf program that is based on allowing the inclusion of any person in each of the aforementioned sports modalities.

Parallel to the technification program (advanced level meetings with athletes for their technical improvement and for the preparation for national and international events), the FCS and Ribamontán al Mar City Council, develop different days to show our sport among all kinds of disabilities (both physical, sensory, organic and intellectuals), in collaboration with different foundations or groups in the region (Enjoy the Sea, Once, La Escueluca de Torrelavega among others). Every year, both entities invite local and regional associations focused on disabled people and organize in Somo Surf Center (Ribamontán al Mar) specific championships.