surfing Tag

4th INCLUSEA Webinar – Germany

INCLUSEA! The first step to an adaptive framework for surfing in Ireland. Discussing the opportunities for adaptive surfing and an inclusive blue space framework! The 4th INCLUSEA Webinar will be addressed to the German surf federation, associations, foundations, clubs, national coaches, instructors, and volunteers.

3rd INCLUSEA Webinar – Ireland

INCLUSEA! The first step to an adaptive framework for surfing in Ireland. Discussing the opportunities for adaptive surfing and an inclusive blue space framework! The 3rd INCLUSEA Webinar will be addressed to the Irish surf federation, associations, foundations, clubs, national coaches, instructors, and volunteers. It will

Official Presentation in Somo

Official Presentation in Somo, Cantabria (Spain) had to be postponed due to COVID protocols and restrictions. Stay tuned for new updates as some interesting activities are coming up and a bunch of surfers will join us. Meanwhile, follow our Insta and FB channels.