International Cooperation Committee of Social Transformation stocked about Inclusea’s good practices
INCLUSEA was presented to the partners of the triangular cooperation initiative ‘LIDERES: a window towards the social transformation of the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean’.
Our coordinator, the Sociedad Regional de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (SRECD), was delighted to host, present, and share our preliminary findings with the Innovative Laboratory of Reciprocal Entrepreneurship in Social Economy (LIDERES) that visited Cantabria to learn about the projects and good practices that are being carried out in the region.
Representatives of this Triangular Cooperation Initiative co-financed by the European Union’s ADELANTE 2 program, visited the Surf Reserve of Ribamontán al Mar and Somo Surf Center’s municipal facilities to learn about INCLUSEA.
Javier Cantera, EU Projects Manager in SRECD, presented an overview of the project’s aims, followed by a presentation of preliminary findings from our scientist/academic team, including key insights from our international survey of surf therapy organizations and the key characteristics, emerging issues, trends and best practices from key informant interviews.
LIDERES Alliance’s entities, including Tecnológico de Monterey (Mexico), Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Government of Cantabria (Spain ), and the Chamber of Industry, Commerce, Services, and Tourism of Santa Cruz (Bolivia), as well as a good number of actors with whom they work in their territories, seeks to strengthen their capacities, so they can design and apply new support models for social entrepreneurship within their regional scope, based on the singularities of their own territory and the potential of each of the stakeholders involved. They all showed great interest in the project.
Javier presented to Thomas Heller, a local surf therapy instructor and volunteer of the NGO Disfrutar del Mar. He brought grass-roots experiences, and both kept the audience engaged by sharing the impact and importance o
f this research for participants and practitioners in adapted surf therapy and para surf programmes like those offered at the Cantabrian Surf Federation, and surf therapy organizations.
LIDERES member’s aims of contributing to generating models of territorial development that favor the reduction of inequalities and social cohesion and found in INCLUSEA project inspiring best practices to share with other decision-makers, academics, regional stakeholders, and policymakers.